Rodika Tollefson

Freelance technology & cybersecurity writer


5 Ways to Make Sure Your Audience Relates to Your Message

You think you’ve nailed your message because your latest video will make The Man Your Man Could Smell Like jealous. Or maybe you think you need to spend thousands of dollars on content marketing to court prospective customers. Nothing wrong with either one of those scenarios. Except that if your message doesn’t resonate with your[…]

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Understanding What ‘Story’ Is

Understanding What ‘Story’ Is Storytelling is a (perhaps overused) buzzword today in just about any field that involves communication — from education and government training to marketing and PR (especially marketing and PR). It’s an essential tool for digital media that, if used well, can make or break a product,[…]

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Does Your Message Tug at the Heartstrings? It Should

Several years ago, the ASPCA aired an animal-cruelty commercial featuring Sarah McLachlan and her song, “Angel.” The TV spot (see the B.C. SPCA version here) showed image after image of sad-looking dogs and cats that had obviously been abused, and the song track added to the emotional charge. My youngest son was just an[…]

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